Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Oakland Container Port

We went to Myth Busters territory, or the Oakland container port.  There were 3 small container ships there.  We didn't see a Maersk ship but we did find about 50-80 Maersk containers.  We couldn't get very close though.  Mom says we will try again next time.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Danish Architecture ~ Part 1

This is the Maersk Headquarters.  I first saw it when my family and I took a canal tour in Copenhagen in May 2011.  I thought it was a very cool building.  I liked all the windows and how they reflected the water.  The interpreter on the boat said, "On the port side of the boat you can see the Maersk Headquarters, the world's largest shipping company.  It was started by Maersk McKinney Møller."
I really like ships and trains.  When we were in Denmark, the Lego company (a Danish company) also had a Maersk train that was really cool looking.  I love the color blue.  I also liked the word Maersk so that is how I first learned of them.  [You can see the train in my blog header.]

The Copenhagen Opera House (in Danish it is usually called Operaen) is the national opera house of Denmark, and it is very cool looking.  It is located on the island of Holmen in central Copenhagen.  It is one of the most expensive opera houses ever built and the money was donated by Maersk McKinney Møller. 
I like buildings and architecture.  I will write more about some cool buildings in Denmark another time.